AM, Inc. Privacy Policy

The following is our privacy statement regarding our gathering and dissemination of information practices for this website.

We use your IP address to administer our website and to help diagnose problems with our server. Your IP address is also used to help identify you and to gather broad demographic information.

In our site's subscription you are required to give us contact information (to include names and E-mail addresses), and in some cases, financial information (to include account or credit card numbers).

We use customer contact information from the subscription form to send the user information about our company, a free E-mail newsletter and promotional material from some of our partners and affiliates. Occasionally contact information is used to contact you when necessary.

You may always opt-out of receiving future e-mailings. All of our communications contain 'opt-out' sections. We do not sell, rent or share your email address and/or demographic data with unaffiliated third parties.

Our online surveys ask visitors for contact information (like their e-mail address) and demographic information (like their zip code, age, or income level). We use data from our surveys to send the user information about our company and promotional material from some of our partners and affiliates. Demographic and profile data are also collected at our site. We may use this data to tailor our visitors' experience at our site showing them content according to their preferences. Anonymous demographic information is shared with advertisers and market researchers on an aggregate basis. As indicate above, any e-mail from us will always include specific instructions on how to unsubscribe.

We may in our sole discretion, develop and use consumer research based on Users' use of the service. All marketing information shall be subject, in all cases, to compliance with the applicable rules and regulations of the Communication Commission, and other relevant laws and regulations; as the same may be amended from time to time.

You will note that this site contains links to other sites. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of other such websites. Your selection of a link or ad banner to direct you to a third party site are strictly between the user and the third party and are not the responsibility of the privacy policy of our site. Because we are not responsible for the availability of these outside resources or their privacy policy or content, you should direct any concerns regarding any external link to the third party site administrator or Webmaster.

Financial information that is collected is used to check the users' qualifications to access our site and, should you so elect, to bill the user for products and services ordered.

This site may contain chat rooms, forums, message boards, and/or news groups available to users. Of course any information that you disclose in these areas becomes public information and you should exercise caution when deciding to disclose your personal information.

We use 'cookie' technology (see for complete information) to enhance users' online experience by making it easier for them to navigate through our pages or to make a feature work better. We do not extract information about individual users or their computers during this process. Cookies set by us for our Web sites are required. We utilize cookies to regulate advertising, improve user experience, and identify you as a prior visitor to our website.

Access to this site is limited to individuals who are 18 years of age or older. This site has a zero tolerance for individuals who are under the age of 18 who access or attempt to access this site or to become members of this site by the use of deceptive practices or deceptive responses to questions. If it comes to our attention that a registered user is under the age of 18 we will immediately cancel the user's account and take appropriate steps to block such individual from any further access to this site.

You can send E-mail to us at: [email protected]

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